Smart Prosperity

#NouvelleApproche est
bonnepour l'environnement
et l'économie.

On March 15 the Smart Prosperity Leaders' Initiative will be launching its next big campaign, based on our Big Idea #1 - "accelerating clean innovation across the Canadian economy". Here is your briefing on the campaign's key messages, the key products that are being rolled out, and how you can help.

Key Messages:
- Click here to download the message map and Q+As 
- Click here to download the press release 

  1. The Challenge: When it comes to turning innovative clean technologies into businesses, jobs and wealth - Canada is falling short.
  2. The Opportunity: Clean innovation is critical to the success of every sector of Canada's economy. 
  3. The Need: Government has a critical to role play in unleashing private initiative and investment, while securing competitiveness.
  4. The Progress: World-class environmental policy is half of the clean innovation equation. On that front, Canada is on the right path.
  5. The Call to Action: Canada should push ahead with the strong environmental rules needed to drive innovation, but match them now with strong competitiveness actions to support clean innovators.


Key Products (click to link #4, #5, #10):

What you can do (we can help!):

  1. Get to know the key messages, and echo them with media, with your peers, and at your next speaking engagement (we can help with speaking notes)
  2. Take to social media - you can retweet from @smartprosperity, "like" the posts on our Facebook page, or compose your own posts and link them to
  3. Encourage your peers to submit #cleaninnovation stories at (and submit your own if you  haven't already)
  4. Want to write something? We can help you submit an op-ed to a major media outlet or post a blog to the Leaders' website
  5. Include a feature on the clean innovation campaign in your next newsletter
  6. Volunteer yourself to present on one of our upcoming clean innovation webinars
  7. Other ideas? Contact