Smart Prosperity

#NouvelleApproche est
bonnepour l'environnement
et l'économie.

Déclaration commune :

Nous sommes heureux d'apprendre que le Canada imposera un prix pour les émissions de carbone, comme le font la plupart des plus grandes économies sur notre planète. Le prix du carbone est le moyen le plus  efficace économiquement afin de réduire les émissions et de stimuler l'innovation propre, ce qui sera essentiel au succès du Canada dans une économie mondiale en grande mutation. L'approche proposée à l'échelle du Canada fonctionne avec les provinces et les territoires et permet des cheminements régionaux adaptés à un objectif commun. En commençant lentement et en augmentant après les cinq premières années, il donne aux entreprises et aux ménages le temps de s'adapter et de planifier pour abaisser leurs empreintes de carbone.

Une hausse du prix du carbone est essentielle pour mettre le Canada sur la bonne voie et respecter ses engagements climatiques de Paris, mais aussi, pour jeter les bases d'un avenir économique plus propre et plus fort. Celle-ci devrait faire partie d'une approche globale qui comprend des règlements de classe mondiale visant à promouvoir l'efficacité énergétique et la production propre, les investissements dans les infrastructures propres et l'appui du public permettront d’accélérer l'innovation propre au sein de l'économie. Un plan bien conçu assurera la compétitivité et l'emploi au Canada tout en atténuant les effets disproportionnés sur les populations et les secteurs vulnérables.


Signé par : 

Kathy Bardswick, President & CEO, The Co-operators
“I fully support a Canada-wide carbon price rising predictably over time.”

Dominic Barton, Global Managing Director, McKinsey & Company

Ross Beaty, Chairman, Pan American Silver Corp. // Executive Chairman, Alterra Power Corp
"I am delighted to see the federal government taking concrete action to address climate change. Their plan is a good step forward but it's only one step, and has to be bolstered by further action by each province, municipality and, quite frankly, citizen of our great country."

John Coyne, Vice President, Corporate Secretary and General Counsel, Unilever Canada

Guy Cormier, Chair of the Board, President and CEO, Desjardins Group
“Desjardins Group supports the Federal Government’s decision to impose a price on carbon, in respect to the provinces’ choice to either implement a similar cost or a cap-and-trade system. Desjardins believes that the time has come for all the sectors of the economy to include climate change considerations into their strategic plans, to take advantage of business opportunities, to reduce risks and to meet the needs of Canadians.”

Arlene Dickinson, CEO, Venture Communications
“There is no better way to get clean tech innovation to market, and to have it scale quickly, than a price on pollution and a set deadline for change. This move will accelerate research and development, increase venture capital investment and ensure large scale commercialization of clean tech by entrepreneurs. And that will help make Canada a global leader in clean growth across all parts of the economy.” 

Stewart Elgie, Professor, University of Ottawa & Co-chair, Smart Prosperity
“Carbon pricing is the most cost effective way to lower emissions and stimulate clean innovation.  This plan puts all parts of Canada on an economically viable path to lowering their GHGs.”

Darren Entwistle, President & CEO, TELUS
"TELUS supports putting a price on carbon to help spur clean growth and clean technology innovation." - attributable to Andrea Goertz, Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Chief Communications and Sustainability Officer, TELUS

Jean-François Huc, President & CEO, BioAmber
“BioAmber applauds this initiative by the Federal government, building on the work of the provinces . This is an important step towards Canada’s climate change goals.”

Jim Lopez, President &CEO, Tembec

David Miller, President & CEO, WWF Canada

Lorraine Mitchelmore, Co-Chair, Smart Prosperity // Former President & Country Chair, Shell Canada
“Pricing carbon is an important tool to reduce emissions and drive innovation towards a low carbon economy.  Innovation, together with access to tidewater, will allow Canada’s energy sector to be world leaders in clean production.”

Merrell-Ann Phare, Founding Executive Director, Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources

Vicky Sharpe, Founding President & CEO, Sustainable Development Technology Canada
“This is great news for Canadian cleantech companies - strong, consistent carbon pricing will boost domestic markets, increase their revenues putting them on  a stronger export trajectory.”

Jean Simard, President & CEO, Aluminum Association of Canada / Co-Founder & Director, SWITCH
“Canada is moving forward on its Paris commitment , while recognizing established regional carbon reduction initiatives and pricing policies. Industries can mobilize around this and help build a cleaner future for every one through energy efficiency, applied clean technology and game changing innovation.”

Merran Smith, Executive Director, Clean Energy Canada
“A price on carbon pollution across Canada is a huge step forward and an essential component of a credible climate plan. It’s the kind of leadership Canadians want and expect from the federal government.” 

Rick Smith, Eexcutive Director, Broadbent Institute

John Stackhouse, Sr. Vice-President, Office of the CEO, RBC // Former Editor-in-Chief, Globe and Mail
“This climate policy makes economic and environmental sense.  A rising, Canada-wide carbon price is the most cost-effective way to reduce emissions, spur private investment and stimulate clean innovation across the economy.  And by using the revenues to cut other taxes and invest in low carbon technology and infrastructure, Canada can be a global leader in cleaner growth.”

Kali Taylor, Founding Executive Director, Student Energy

Annette Verschuren, Co-Chair, Smart Prosperity // Chair & CEO, NRStor // Former President, Home Depot Canada
"This carbon pricing plan is a critical step towards a healthier environment and a stronger economy for all of Canada.  It puts us among the leading nations in the global shift towards cleaner growth. Three parts of it are particularly important.  First the clear, long term price signal provides predictability that will attract capital investment.  Second, it allows provinces and territories to customize their own approaches towards a common goal. Third, and most importantly, it will drive clean innovation and productivity across the country."

Galen Weston, Chairman, George Weston Ltd. // President and Executive Chairman, Loblaw Companies Limited 

Ed Whittingham, Executive Director, Pembina Institute
“Pricing carbon pollution needs to be a central element of the pan-Canadian climate plan, which is why today’s announcement is such an important milestone. It will help the country’s environment and economy as we compete for the rapidly growing global demand for clean energy.”


Media Contact:
Eric Campbell